Give Him Famine

After many conversations with women who’ve been in a monogamous relationship for decades, fighting all the time throughout the whole relationship and eventually breaking up- I think I may be onto something, possibly a solution. Give him famine.
In one of my recent experiences in a dissatisfying relationship (hoping it would get better), I felt extremely unappreciated and even wondered if this guy even cares or cared about me. ‘Why is he so indifferent?’ or ‘Why does he need to be so cold and distant?’. Yeah, of course I realize now how messed up of a relationship I was in. It’s over now but what I did realize was that when I showed indifference by not contacting him for days, he’d reach out and in a more caring manner. So if you know that you will be going back to a guy or even want to stay with someone for whatever reason despite his ‘ungentleman-like’ behavior, one way to make yourself feel better (IMO) in this type of relationship is to give him famine. Famine? Meaning, don’t call him, text him, reach out to him in any way. You may like/love him but if you need a little assurance that he does care, give him famine. Let him miss you and reach out to you. It works but it’s definitely not a terminal solution because in the end, everything that’s not meant to be will run its course and will need to come to an end. #givehimfamine

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